Cocktails and Conversation with Damali

Do you wish you had the opportunity the get to know your hair stylist before booking an appointment with them? This weekend at Indique Studios I was granted the opportunity in an intimate gathering to seat and converse with potential clients. In this open conversation I was about to share with some awesome ladies who I was, what my goals are as a hair stylist and what the salon had to offer them as clients. Also the ladies were able to ask me questions about hair care and inquire about my services and experiences in the hair industry.
Cocktails and Conversation opened up with a welcoming to all of the guest for attending the event on such a beautiful Saturday. They could have been anywhere else, with anyone else but they decided to spend the time getting better acquainted with me. I love meeting others and sharing my story with them from how I got started to how I got where I am today. I feel as though there is a level of comfort and trust build once you get to know someone.
In return the event allowed for a Q&A section which allowed the guest to ask hair and salon related questions. The guest also opened up to both negative and positive experiences that had at with past/present stylist at other salons. Guest asked questions such as: "What can I do to grow my edges back" or "How long does it take you to install a traditional install". All guest asked great questions.
My favorite part of the event was meeting and getting to know all the ladies that came out. I'm sure the best part for the guest was when Indique Studios raffled off a bundle of hair! Ppl love to win gifts! And a little bubbly and snacks always set the mood.
Yet again another successful event! I believe it is important to give great service to present and future clients. It's the little things that make the biggest a cute Cocktails and Conversation. Stay tuned...I'm just getting started.